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This month we are interviewing creative genius Rollo Skinner. A botanical set designer, illustrator and writer. We spent the morning with Rollo at his family home in Dorset. Watch the full interview here

Well this is an honour! Can you tell us how you came about your creative wonderfulness?

I guess it’s always been there but it properly emerged about 3 and a half years ago when I was struggling with my mental health. In need of some escape, on a whim I bought a bunch of flowers in the supermarket and arranged them in my kitchen – it was like the noise that was in my head fell away and I just knew I had to work with nature.
During lockdown in Dorset, I started to go into the woods and find flowers and branches to bring some beauty to dark times. I started to post some of my creations online. From there it snowballed and I started working with a number of brands creating installations. 

How did your illustrations and writing become entwined with what you do now?

I was doing the flowers for a brand and they saw my mood board drawings and loved them. I was then asked to do some illustrations for the event and that’s how it all begun really. Suddenly I found myself a florist and an illustrator.
Then from the drawings I suddenly found it unlocked my language too and I started writing again… which was also something I loved to do in childhood.

What is your go to day to day uniform?

I tend to wear khakis and browns and neutrals – I’m a earth-toned boy!

What get’s you fired up in the morning?

Working on something that inspires me with other creative minds and collaborators.

Where is your happy place?

In the woods at home in Dorset. It’s really just a slither of trees trapped between two fields, but inside it’s quiet and there are some beautiful ancient oaks and a gentle stream. It’s always captured my imagination. There is a very good energy there.

Biggest excitement in the last week?

I’ve been working on a project for a while now that feels like it may soon emerge. I can’t talk about it properly yet, but I can say it involves writing and illustrations.

Your flower of the hour ?

The Cow parsley or horse chestnut flowers – we’re just at that point in May where everything is just starting to explode. It’s heady.

Most productive time of day? 

7-10am is my sweet spot.

 What project has stood out for you in your career?

I love doing fashion shows and creating space. I’ve worked with Gucci but I would LOVE to do a Gucci show.

2023 - what’s in it for you? 

Learning, growing and incubating ideas – and hopefully seeing the project i’ve been working on emerging above the soil and ready to start living in the world!

 What’s your favourite London Velvet item?

Something that has been so useful in my life is my delicious laptop case. I take my books, my pencil and iPad all in there and protected.

Full proof dinner party dish? 

Well I’m not really a chef but I will pop a chicken in the oven!

Song that’s stuck in your head? 

Can’t get you out my headby Kylie Minogue 

Book you can’t put down…

The Artists Way– it led me first to flowers and then to drawing and words.

Can’t leave home without…

My laptop case of course! It holds all my prized possessions!


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