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This month we are interviewing creative genius Jess Wheeler - a designer and artist based in North Wales.

Where is your happy place? 

There is an epic hill behind my house in Wales, I try and go up there as much as possible – quite often with a flask of tea. It is quite a walk by so worth if for the view. On a clear day you can see Snowdon.

What is your go to day to day uniform? 

When I’m in the workshop in North Wales, I’m always making a huge mess, I’m usually in my boiler suit - it is really comfortable and fitted around the waist. When I’m not in the workshop, I have this amazing woollen skirt from Margaret Howell that I wear a lot when I go to the city as I can dress it up and down.

We love exploring more fabrics and mediums at the moment, so what colour and fabric are you most drawn to now and why?

 I’m also obsessed with fabrics too! Mustard corduroy….mmm. I’m loving working in plaster at the moment. Once you have perfected the mould, it’s quick and satisfying. Plaster such a physical material to work with - you get it everywhere, it’s messy - silky feeling in your hands. When you pour it into the mould its cold, then it warms up as it’s setting. 

What have you treated yourself with this week? 

I met a friend for a perfect lunch at Towpath Cafe yesterday.

What’s your morning ritual? 

Have cup of tea first thing – ideally in bed. I do that whilst answering emails; most of my clients are in the US so early mornings are busy! I try and go for a walk or run first thing and then into the workshop for the day!

What is your everyday inspiration? Is it something in nature? The everyday? Or someone in your life? 

My surroundings – the things that grow in my garden or farm. Also, the people I work with are really inspirational as we come up with ideas all together. Everyone in the team has a different passion or skill set.

Favourite season and why? 

I think it is spring as there is so much change and the days become longer and it feels like a hopeful time after winter. I love the buds opening and it feels quite exciting -  new life.

2023 - what’s in it for you? 

I am working on some really big projects for the rest of the year with interior designers and some work with a hotel chain. I’m upscaling things and making bigger, more ambitious pieces. I’m really excited to be making some public art for a National Trust garden in the Autumn.

What London Velvet product have you got your eye on at the moment and where would you take It for Its first adventure? 

I love the orange guest book as we are always having people to stay and its my favourite thing having a nice record of people that have stayed with us.


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